Myles H. Kitchen - Automotive Electronics Engineer/Consultant/Forensic Expert
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Using event data to derive throttle inputs for vehicle testing.

An SCCA legal Rally/Trip Computer developed for GM,

Developed for Alps Automotive

Turns electrical impulse into the first energetic event to deploy an airbag
Here are additional project examples of the many aspects of Auto Electronics I have worked on.
Event Derived Throttle Signals
By using CDR event data, redundant throttle input signals can be precisely derived and recreated to actually drive a subject or exemplar vehicle for testing. This technique is far more accurate than attempting to reproduce a recorded event with a human test driver. Applies autonomous principals to accident analysis.
GM NavPak
While VP of Product Development at Zemco, I oversaw the development of this SCCA Legal Rally/Trip Computer for GM. Initially destined for the Fiero and TransAm models, it was one of the first applications of reading fuel use by tracking injector on time values from the GMLAN network bus. Mounted in front of the passenger/navigator, it was an innovative, unique ,and distinctive feature. Unfortunately, GM decided to cancel its launch just prior to its release due to cost reductions. The photo shows a fully tooled first article.
Alps Flux Gate Compass Engine
I was contracted by Alps Automotive to develop a self-compensating, custom, flux-gate compass engine for use with auto compass displays, navigation systems, moveable antenna platforms, and other heading-related applications. Prior to this, flux-gate compasses had only been used in aircraft.
Quantic Industries Plastic Airbag Initiator
While an equity owner of Quantic Industries, I was part of a design team to develop a low cost, yet robust airbag initiator to compete with prior glass/metal designs. We successfully introduced a plastic initiator which could meet 15+ year life requirement of more expensive alternative designs. We also developed semiconductor-based initiators which replaced a bridgewire design with a semiconductor die which ignited via a plasma generation. This required lower energy and could incorporate network features for applications with multiple devices with staged firing.