Myles H. Kitchen - Automotive Electronics Engineer/Consultant/Forensic Expert
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Custom built vehicle ECU data acquisition system.

Here's some example projects I've worked on:
Data Acquisition
Designed and built 128 Channel In-Vehicle Data Acquisition System. Developed to overlay and monitor all the inputs and outputs of Powertrain ECUs while investigating Sudden Unintended Acceleration events. Console mounted controls allowed simulation of cruise control command faults, throttle faults, and insertion of data flags to aid in later analysis.
In Car Video and Infotainment
Coordinated off-shore design and manufacturing resources for Rosen Products OEM/Aftermarket rear seat video and police dash cam products with my client LITEON Automotive.
Alternative Fuel Instrumentation
Developed and produced prototype display modules for Alcohol Energy Systems as used in fleet environmental testing of Gas/Methanol-fueled vehicles in Southern California. Display provided in-dash display of % of methanol in fuel in the test vehicle.
Electronic Throttle Controls
Electronic Throttle Bodies meter the air into the engine for vehicles with Electronic Throttle controls. I have studied and identified various weaknesses and design defects including carbon buildup, mechanical binding, rust/corrosion, lack of positive alignment, warped gears, and more. Problems arise when onboard electronics fail to detect such problems promptly. This can then lead to Sudden Unintended Acceleration (SUA), emissions warranty non-compliance, poor drivability, safety risk, and more.